Event or Sport

Lectern Banner

Lectern Banner


(inc GST)

Approx. dispatch time 2-3 weeks (unless ordered with another solution with a longer dispatch time).


Choose your options...

Not required if we already have your *current* logo. File types include AI, PDF, EPS are preferred (Artwork fee may be waived). Other formats are acceptable.

Upload your design or describe it in the box below

Describe your colour/layout preferences

Create your full colour Lectern Banner on premium three layer and tightly woven fabric with a subtle shimmer.

15cm fold over with plastic insert to sit on lectern/stand at the top.

Fringing is sewn along the bottom for long-lasting quality (not glued!).


$65 - New/updated logos, that are not in vector format


$65 - New/updated logos, that are not in vector format

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